Friday, December 30, 2005

An Album-like Entity

Through months of toil and procrastination I have compiled an hour's worth of original music, which can be burned onto a Compact Disc (A "C.-D." to those in the know). I have also made cover art and a track listing, both of which may be printed on paper. The result, when properly assembled, greatly resembles an album. If you'd like a copy, let me know and I'll send you one.

The album is called "Seventeen Songs for Cory," and if you know me then you probably know why. The artwork was created by the selfsame Cory, and it looks like this:

Snazzy, eh? The music's not half bad either, if you like that sort of thing.


CLADING2222 said...

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صديقة للبيئة
لا تنتج نفايات زيتية، مما يقلل من التأثير البيئي.
كفاءة تشغيلية عالية
تعمل بهدوء أكثر من الضواغط الزيتية في بعض الطرز، مما يجعلها مثالية للبيئات التي تتطلب تشغيلًا منخفض الضوضاء.

CLADING2222 said...

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